WIP Wednesday - On the Edge of Nowhere: Basement of Death

Cover Image: Erin Dameron-Hill Graphics Gina wakes from unconsciousness to find she and Mattie have fallen in Hungry House's basement...and another horrific world. * * * * “Gina! Wake up!” She jolted to her feet, her eyes wide. She stared at her tormentors. It wasn’t two hideous monsters sitting on the ground. It wasn’t even one monster. Mattie glared up at her. She rubbed her stomach. “Nice punch, champ. I suggest you save it for something that deserves it.” “Oh no. I’m sorry. I was having the worst nightmare, and—are you okay?” Gina crouched beside her friend. “Depends on your definition of ‘okay.’ Will I die from your fists of fury? No. But I’m not optimistic of long life and good health, given our surroundings.” Their surroundings? Gina had a look around. The horror she’d left in the dream returned a thousandfold. They were outdoors. The baleful moon overhead told her that much. Besides Mattie, it was the only familiar thing. The ground was cracked in jagged fis...